Statement to Members on Electricity Demand and Weather-Related Shortages

From Brian Heithoff, CEO and General Manager of High West Energy

As many of you have been reading about, a huge weather system has led to sustained and extremely cold weather sweeping much of the nation. This cold front led to a massive increase in demand for electricity throughout the country, leading to shortages in some regions, most notably Texas, but also in parts of Nebraska outside High West’s service territory.

Currently, High West Energy members are NOT facing a potential shortage.

Employees from Tri-State Generation and Transmission – the organization which sells power to High West Energy – have been working around the clock to ensure the delivery of power meets demand. Tri-State continues to monitor the system and manage the risks that could affect power supply.

As all energy providers work together to handle this unprecedented event, we have heard requests for more information on how our members can reduce demand to avoid any future potential shortages. Here are suggestions for members who are interested in helping to do their part, however, it is important to be clear that these are only suggestions, and as of Monday afternoon, our system is satisfying the electricity demands of the membership.

  • Set your thermostat to 68 degrees or the lowest setting at which you are comfortable.
  • If you will be out of the house for several hours, reduce the thermostat by 2 or 3 degrees.
  • Minimize the number of times you use your dishwasher, washing machine, clothes dryer, and other appliances.
  • If possible, wash your clothes on the cold water setting.
  • Use less hot water overall by taking shorter showers; do not take baths.
  • Avoid using ventilation fans in your kitchen or bathrooms, as these exhaust heated air from your home.

If we receive any official notices or updates from the people monitoring the electric grid that serves High West members, we will notify members on our website and through social media. Thank you.